Monday, March 24, 2008

& glow, glow

i'm 16 now, and this is the only birthday i've ever had that made me feel different. its not that i feel older, or more mature, but i feel more capable. i don't think i feel this way because i'm 16, i just know i feel it.

i filled with the urge to chase after something; i know i can grasp it; i know it is possible. i want to challenge someone because for the first time in my life, i just know that i could win.

its a strange sort of pride, caused by absolutely nothing. i've achieved no greatness to make me feel this way. in fact, i've barely accomplished anything. i feel its wrong to feel so completely sure of myself, but i don't think i can help it. this pride is sinful.

the urge to challenge and conquer scratches the walls of my heart, and i fear it will be released. i know the results could be disastrous. strangely enough, i don't care.

so enlist every ounce
of your bright blood
& off with their heads
jump from the hook
you're not obliged
to swallow anything you despise

-sleeping lessons;; the shins

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